Our BRANDS are registered under the Trademark Act and our DESIGNS are registered under the Design Act in India.
In most cases counterfeit / knock off products are not tested for quality and are often made of low quality material.
The Government is also denied of Tax revenues from illegitimate sales.
Counterfeit/ Knock off products often do not meet customer’s expectations.
It deprives an ethical organization to generate revenue from fair and legitimate means.
Reporting of counterfeit/ knock off products :
Kindly report suspected counterfeit or knock off products or suspected infringements of Esskay International products and Designs by contacting us.
Esskay International will work with law enforcement bodies to investigate and take necessary action.
Whistle blowers play an important role in exposing fraud, corruption and any unauthorized activities.
We have implemented a whistleblowing procedure to enable employees and third party to report any suspected wrong doings.
Esskay International is opposed to all forms of corruption and expects all its employees to adhere to the highest standard of moral and ethical conduct. Our employees should not engage in any form of fraud, bribery or corrupt practices.
If our employees are unprofessional , please let us know.
You can complain by sharing your details or do the same anonymously.
In case you wish to be anonymous, please use a dummy email id so that we can correspond.
Please get in touch with us at [email protected]
Kindly share details of counterfeit products or designs, any unprofessional conduct or about any corrupt practices.
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