A healthy and happy working environment helps all employees to prosper. We ensure that we provide a safe, healthy and happy working environment. We strive to provide fair salary and benefits to our employees. We cover health insurance for all our employees. We ensure that, there is equability and there is absence of favouritism with respect to hiring and promotion. We also provide training. Training is an ongoing process. We make sure Esskay environment fosters innovation and productivity. Employees’ welfare is at the core of our business. We believe that, with a talented and happy workforce we can operate and grow in harmony.
We are a part of the textile industry in India. We believe in an inclusive working environment. We have respect for other organizations operating in our domain, domestically and internationally. We do not believe in anti-competitive pricing for grabbing market share. We believe in healthy competition. We ensure that we grow together and not fight. We believe in a larger mission of life – To serve the customer and society at large. We also provide internship from time to time for young population to gain practical knowledge. It helps the youth to understand the industry and thus helps them to decide the field to choose for their career.
Our learned forefathers have shared this popular quote:
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption but the purpose of our work. He is not an outsider of our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to do so”. We completely abide by this. We are honest with our customers. We are determined that they are happy with our products and offering. We regularly take feedbacks to improve our products and services.
We work together with our vendors for mutual growth. We onboard new vendors after due diligence. We ensure all our vendors are paid on time. In case of any issues, we strive to close them in a timely manner. We believe in offering fair prices to our vendors. We do not believe in pressurizing our vendors, directly or indirectly to work on unhealthy margins. We ensure our vendors are confining to law – pay timely wages and provide safe working environment for workers. We ensure our vendors confine to laws applicable to their jurisdiction.
We are committed to running our business in a responsible, environmentally sound and sustainable manner. We recognize that our supply chain, processes and products have both direct and indirect environmental impacts. We seek to identify these and to find effective ways of eliminating or reducing them. Our aim is to achieve continuous improvement in our environmental performance. We engage with our suppliers, customers and other stakeholders on environmental issues, including the sustainability of our raw materials and packaging material supply chains. We deal in Organic Cotton and supply environment friendly products to our customers. Our environmental objectives have been diligently chosen and are regularly reviewed to ensure that our actions effectively implement our environmental policy.
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